Agner`s CPU blog

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Subject Author Date Replies Latest
Test results for Intel's Sandy Bridge processor Agner  2011-01-30  36  2016-01-30 
Random number generator with vector output Agner  2014-10-17  2014-10-23 
Gnu support for CPU dispatching - sort of... Agner  2011-07-08  2011-07-08 
Function library update, and more Agner  2011-08-04  2013-09-24 
Test results for AMD Bulldozer processor Agner  2012-03-02  18  2014-09-07 
Future instruction set: AVX-512 Agner  2013-10-09  13  2017-10-20 
Function libraries and tools updated Agner  2013-10-07  2019-05-04 
New Wikibook on Usability Agner  2014-07-03  2014-11-05 
Optimization manuals updated Agner  2013-09-04  31  2016-05-24 
New messageboard for Vector Class library Agner  2013-04-01  2013-04-01 
Vector class library and test programs updated Agner  2014-04-23  2014-04-23 
Test results for Broadwell and Skylake Agner  2015-12-26  54  2020-10-11 
Moores law hits the roof Agner  2015-12-26  2016-06-27 
Proposal for an ideal extensible instruction set Agner  2015-12-27  127  2016-06-26 
Proposal for instruction set - now on Github Agner  2016-06-26  164  2017-11-03 
Test results for Knights Landing Agner  2016-11-26  17  2017-10-10 
New idea: Re-linkable libraries in ForwardCom Agner  2017-04-27  2017-05-13 
Test results for AMD Ryzen Agner  2017-05-02  26  2019-05-15 
Test of Skylake-X and Goldmont Agner  2018-04-25  16  2019-10-24 
Instruction set bloat Agner  2018-04-25  2018-09-22 
NAN propagation more efficient than fault trapping Agner  2018-05-24  2018-05-24 
New IEEE 754 Floating point standard Agner  2019-07-27  2019-07-27 
Major update of Vector Class Library Agner  2019-08-05  2020-07-22 
C++ manual updated Agner  2019-08-15  2019-08-15 
Best C++ compiler for Windows Agner  2019-09-12  2020-09-16 
This message board has moved Agner  2019-12-30  2019-12-30 
Welcome to Agner's CPU blog Agner Fog  2009-09-27  2009-09-27 
Optimization manuals updated Agner Fog  2009-09-27  10  2012-03-02 
How good is hyperthreading? Agner Fog  2009-09-29  10  2010-04-30 
Why is my computer so slow? Agner Fog  2009-10-06  2010-12-29 

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